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Commercial HVAC Repair Services in Cookeville, Tennessee

or call us today 931-342-1149

Proudly Serving Upper Cumberland Since 1991

Few things grind business and productivity to a halt like a broken HVAC unit. Whether it’s the height of summer or in the depths of winter, HVAC units always seem to break down at the worst possible time. Each day that passes without a working unit is one more day closed or with limited efficiency.

Charles Stone is dedicated to fast, reliable HVAC repairs in Cookeville, Gainesboro, and the Upper Cumberland area. We offer emergency commercial HVAC services, day or night, weekend or weekday. If you need your HVAC system working as soon as possible, call Charles Stone.

commercial HVAC

Expert Commercial HVAC Repair Services

The expert HVAC technicians at Charles Stone can repair any model or make of HVAC equipment. Whether it’s a rooftop unit, heat pump, or ground unit, big or small, we can handle the job. Our technicians arrive on time and can expertly repair your HVAC unit.

During a repair, our HVAC technicians will inspect every major piece of your unit and make sure they are in working order. We’ll replace damaged, worn, or ready-to-fail components. Our technicians will:

  • Change or clean all filters
  • Ensure condensate drains and burners are free of debris and dust
  • Check the electrical wiring and components
  • Test the condenser, compressor, and thermostat
  • Run diagnostics on airflow, temperatures, leaks, and more

Signs Your HVAC Needs Repair

When problems are caught early on, repairs can be made promptly, and problems that might have snowballed into more significant problems can be averted. The earlier you catch and repair a problem, the less likely the repairs will be as costly as they could have been.

Watch out for these indicators that your commercial HVAC system needs repairs:

  1. Uneven Output: If your HVAC system is unevenly heating or cooling your space, or there are unusually high levels of humidity, there may be a problem with the ducts, blower, or components of the AC itself. Whatever the problem, the strain on the other working components can reduce their longevity.
  2. Rising Humidity: Your HVAC system should be removing water from the air. If your HVAC system isn’t correctly removing the humidity, it may have a problem.
  3. Unpleasant Odors: If you smell chemicals, burning, mold, or mildew, these can be indications that something is wrong with the system. There could be burning or broken components, or there could be a mold colony setting up on the condenser.
  4. Weird or Loud Noises: If you hear buzzing, weird humming, clicking, rattling, or other weird noises coming from your HVAC system, this can indicate that something is loose or broken and needs attention by an HVAC technician.
  5. Short-Cycling: If your system is constantly coming on and shutting off quickly in succession, there is something wrong. Short cycling can put your HVAC system under stress and reduce its lifespan.
  6. Unexpectedly High Energy Bills: If you notice a jump in your energy bills that doesn’t coincide with the weather, this is one of the best indicators that something is wrong with your system. It takes more energy and effort to produce the same cooling or heating effect, meaning something is broken, clogged, or dirty.

We highly recommend HVAC maintenance tune-ups in the spring and fall to reduce the chances of needing emergency repairs. If the damage is too severe, it may be economical to replace your HVAC system instead.

Call Charles Stone if you need commercial HVAC tune-ups, repairs, or replacements in Cookeville, Gainesboro, and the Upper Cumberland area.

Financing Options

Ready to experience unparalleled home comfort with financial ease? Reach out to Charles Stone Mechanical today to explore the best HVAC solutions and financing options tailored to meet your needs.

Financing Options

Questions? Please give us a call at 931-342-1149

Why Choose
Charles Stone Mechanical

In Business
Over 30 Years

Rigorous Training
For Techs

Strong Care
For Customers

Good Reputation
in the Community

Service Areas


  • Belle Meade
  • Forest Hills
  • Brentwood
  • Oakhill
  • Donelson
  • Hermitage
  • Rosebank
  • Inglewood
  • Brooklyn Heights
  • Mt Juliet
  • Lebanon
  • Old Hickory
  • Murfreesboro
  • Franklin
  • La Vergne
  • Gladeville
  • Antioch
  • Whitehouse
  • Hendersonville
  • Goodlettsville